Quranic Arabic Adult Class

Seeking knowledge is a life time process. Islam has given great Importance to knowledge

The first verse in the holy Quran was إقرأ (read) who ever seeks knowledge and help others to learn will get unaccountable rewards from Allah (Swt) teaching our selves ,our children and our future generation is far more rewarding than all the wealth we have, actually it is the wealth we should go after

To help our community we are starting QURANIC ARABIC course that will focus on learning the meaning of the Quran


Please join us for an introduction to Arabic grammar. For young adults who would like to understand the Quran better. No previous experience or knowledge required. God willing, We will begin with the most basic concepts and work our way up.

This course will begin with a review of the Arabic letters and pronunciation. Students will learn simple vocabulary and the rules of forming words into simple constructions. By the end of the course, students will be able to analyze short sentences.

Inshallah, we will see you soon and stay safe. The registration link is below this message. After registering, you will receive updates and links for the following upcoming events. If you have any questions about registration, please email learningcenter@islamcenter.com


The registration for the Quranic Arabic Adult Class begins on 9/15 , and must be completed ONLINE. On Sunday October 3rd, there will be a meet and greet with your teachers via Skype or zoom.